89 Payneham Road, St Peters SA 5069
Mon-Thu: 0900 - 1700 & Fri: 0900 - 1600

Hernia Repair


It is normal to experience bruising, swelling and numbness on and around your wound. (Inguinal hernias may experience some numbness down the leg. This is normal also) Wound infection is a small but uncommon complication post procedure. If you have any redness, smell or discharge from the wound, please contact our rooms or your GP.


You will be able to shower 12 hours post surgery. Dressings are water resistant so you are able to shower as normal and pat gently with a towel. Dressings can be removed 5-7 days post procedure and do not need to be replaced. You have dissolvable sutures in place so no need to have these removed. Please do not swim or bath whilst recovering from your procedure until your wounds have healed.


Some discomfort and pain is not uncommon post procedure. You will be given a script for pain relief upon discharge. Take as required.


It is recommended that you have 7-14 days off work and no heavy lifting (no more than 10kg) is strongly recommended for 4-6 weeks following the procedure.
It is recommended no driving for 10 days post procedure until you can sit in your car seat and wear the seat belt comfortably.
For inguinal hernias, males should wear scrotal support which can be supplied by the hospital/chemist otherwise wearing two pairs of tight jocks rather than boxer shorts will suffice.
Avoid straining and constipation.

Follow up

Follow up with our rooms for a post op appointment 6-8 weeks post operatively.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding post op treatment, please phone our rooms on 8362 1474 or email: