Bleeding is very common post rubber band ligation. The bands are placed to cut off the blood supply to your haemorrhoids and in turn will eventually drop off usually within 3 days. You may not notice this as it will usually happen during a bowel movement.
Pain is also very common post procedure. Everyone has a different tolerance when it comes to pain/discomfort and this will also depend on how large your haemorrhoids are and the number of bands placed at time of procedure.
It is normal to experience a heavy/swollen sensation in your bottom area. You may feel quite uncomfortable for 1-2 weeks following the procedure. This is very normal.
You will be given a script for pain relief following the procedure. Take as directed.
Bowel Actions
It is important to avoid constipation following your procedure as we do not want to cause any straining and risk losing the bands. Take laxatives as required, drink plenty of water and eat a high fiber diet.
Follow up
If you have any questions in regards to the post op instructions or have any concerns following your procedure, please contact our rooms on 8362 1474 or email: